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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Pokemon Blue / Red

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Game Name : Pokemon Blue / Red
System : GameBoy Color
Date Added : 2005-01-23 11:26:31
Views : 20181

Blue: How to get raticate, pidgeotto and other pokemon
If you have surf and fly, fly to pallet town and then surf south, not all the way. Until you see a grassy area, go there and you can catch some level 20-30 pokemon. This is some pokemon I found out you can catch:


My way to beat the Elite 4!
To beat the elite 4 my way easy all you have to do is start out With Charmander and level up only Charmander. And when your at the Elite 4 your Charmander should be at level 60-40.Teach it Flamethrower, Slash, Earthquake, and Hyper beam. It will be invincible! Oh and Your Charmander should be a Charzard.

Getting a Farfetch'd
A trader in Vermillion City will give you a Farfetch'd in exchange for a Spearow.

Defeating Ghost Pokemon
Whenever you have to face a ghost Pokemon, use th following elements against it:


Getting Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan
If you can defeat Karate Master in his gym, he may give you your own Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan.

Getting a Mr. Mime
Go out the hous along route 2,just outside Veridian City. Someone will trade a Mr.Mime for an Abra.

Getting an Omanyte
You have to get a Helix fossil from defeating a supernerd- on Mt. Moon. Then you'll have to bring it to Cinnabar island.

Getting an Aerodactyl
You must clone it in the Pokemon lab using old amber from the Pewter City museum.

Locations of the Three Lgendary Birds
Articuno- Seafoam islands
Zapdos- Left side of Indigo Power Plant
Moltres- Route 23,on the way to Victory Road

How to make Pokemon obidient
Cascade badge - Up to level 30 Pokemon will list to you.
Rainbow badge -Up to level 50 Pokemon will list to you.
Marsh badge-Up to level 70 Pokemon will list to you.
Earth badge-All pokemon will listen to you.

Excellent Pokemon
To keep your Pokemon the best, carry these vitamins:

Calcium-to increase speical powers.
Carbos-to increase speed.
Protein-to increase attack strength.
Iron-to increase defense strength.

Get mew without a gameshark code
Red: When you first get to vermillion city do NOT get cut from the captain on the s.s.anne. Instead trade a pokemon with a freind to get a pokemon that knows cut. Carry on with the game until you get hm surf and hm strength then go back to vermillion city. enter the harbour and look at the s.s. anne. Go right and surf across the water. Carry on going right until you see a lorry use strength and push the lorry out of the way. you will find a pokeball. Get it and inside it will be mew.

Defeating Nidorino
In battle, Nidorino uses Focus energy to increase its power before attacking. Use that pause to attack it.

How to get the three starters
Blue: You must choose squirtle as your starter or else this cheat would not work.To get bulbasaur, after you defeat misty, go to the daycare center and a bulbasaur would be there. To get charmander then, go up to nugget bridge and the first square. Then press start. Go to your pokemon and go to your squitle and go to its attacks. Then, as fast as you can, keep on pressing B until you are playing the game.Save here and immediately off your gameboy. Turn it on again . Charmander would be there.

Going Fishing
When you use a fishing rod(SUPER ROD, GOOD ROD, AND OLD ROD)press the A button mutiple times until your fishing rod appears in your charachter's hand. Then press the B button over and over. You'll have a 90 percent chance of catching something.

Get Mew
To get Mew you must have every HM on the Pokemon in your party without going on the S.S. Anne (trade from other games) and go to the platform in front of the S.S. Anne. Surf to the right until you see a truck. Push it aside and you will find Mew.

Pokemon over level 100
Fly to Cinnabar Island, walk right. Then Surf up and down on the black line sometimes ypu'll find over level 100 pokemon! I even found a level 132 Mewtwo once and caught it, Pokemon on the black line do not erase your game, except Missingo does mess up your game if you catch him/her. Just to warn you he/she looks like a bar code and is black / pink / purple / white. Just to warn you about him/her.

Capture Legendary Pokemon
Give the legendary pokemon an effective status problem besides confusion then get their life down to the last bit of life. Now use you're Ultra Balls or Master Ball. If you're fighting Mewtwo use you Master Ball, but you have to get them in red on the life bar and you have to give them a status problem no matter what if you don't and you didn't copy the Master Ball. Then you can can use Ultra Balls, they work too. Also make sure you have room in your box.

99 of the 6th item
To get 99 of the sixth item, go to your items by pressing start and put something in the sixth item slot. Then go to Viridian City and talk to the by the Gym that shows you how to catch a Weedle. When he ask if your in a hurry say no and he will show you how to catch a pokemon. Then fly to Cinnabar Island and when you apear infront of the pokemon center don't move down or left, just move right all the way over to the water then surf. Next surf up and down. Stay closest to the land and you should run into a Missingno.(WARNING DONT CATCH IT. IF SO THE GAME WILL MESSUP AND DELEAT POKEMON.)Instead run to land and look at ur sixth item it should have a (symbol)9.It means you have 99 of that item. You could do this with nuggets and sell them for 999,999 dollars but if you wont more cash save one nugget and repeat the process. Missingno is part of the system is looks like a bar code when u see it. Missingno is the save,grapic,pokemon control if cought the game will messup! So be careful!

How to get Mew
You must start a new save file and proceed into the game until you reach professor Oak. The professor will give you your first pokemon to train, and it will have a name other than mew (bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle). Once you receive the pokemon, it will ask you to nickname the character. Name the pokemon mew and it will be listed as the 151st pokemon in the pokedex as "mew 151st." The pokemon will show up and fight as mew from this point on.
Defeat Blaine in water
First, go to Viridian city and talk to the guy that shows you how to catch pokemon and answer "yes" to his question. Then Fly to Cinnabar Island and surf east from the poke' center. Surf up and down alot until you get to him. He'll pop up just like a pokemon would. He will have Missingno and other wierd pokemon like that. They are all at level 32.

NOTE: You will have to almost be done with the game.

Pokémon Pop Quiz
When you go to Blaine's Gym on Cinnibar Isl., enter, and see those little machines by the trainers that look like cassette tapes? Well, go in front of it and press A to take a pop quiz. If you answer the question right, you won't have to fight the trainer. You can bypass almost every trainer in there this way. I know the answers, but I won't tell. I'll let you decide to see if you're a tue Pokémon master.

Missingno trick
You can find find LV.0 or LV.80 or LV.184 Missingno's. He has VERY low defense. If you do want to catch him, he knows Water Gun, Sky Attack, and Water Gun again. Yup, 2 Water Guns. You can catch him adn then after you do, an invisible one will still be there. The invisible one evolves into Ditto. The first one evolves into Kangaskhan. Feed a Missingno a rare candy and it will evolve into a Ditto or a Kangaskhan, depending on which one you caught. Missingno can learn Strength, Fly, and Surf. So you could have a flying, surfing Kangaskhan or Ditto.

Unlimited items
You probably know this one, but incase you don't, or you need a better discription, I'll tell you. To get your items duplicated, go to Veridian City and go north and talk to th little man who shows you how to cacth Pokémon, and answer NO to hiis question. After his 'lesson', Fly to Cinnibar Isl. and walk to the right edge. Surf up and down the coast of the right edge until you run into Missingno. He's a glitch in the game, so pay no mind to him. Don't catch him, because if you do, there is about a 90% chance your game will mess up. Just fight him or run. Make sure the item you want duplicated is in the sixth slot of your item box. You can have unlimited rare candies, iron, calcium, master balls, poké balls, escape ropes, whatever. Not keys or bikes or rods or anything like that though. Just power ups and balls, and helpy items.

Make an 'é'
The way you can make an é when typing, as in Pokémon, hold down Alt, and press 0,2,3,3 on the numerc keypad. See? é!

Just For Your Info
If you go through most of the game and don't get on the S.S.Ann, (it's possible, trust me) collect surf. Come back to the S.SAnn, flash the ticket, and when it goes to the small screen, surf off into the water. You can surf all around the S.S.Ann and go on the the decks. On the top right deck, you should find a poorly drawn truck. There is no reason fr this truck to be there, becuse it doesn't do anything. You can't move it with Strength either. It's probably just something to confuse you.

Safari on Cinnibar
That's right. Enter the Safari Zone and walk around a bit. Exit, and then Fly to Cinnibar Island, and Surf up and down the right coast of it, and you should run into Safari Zone Pokémon. Now you can run into Tauros, Scyther, Kangaskhan, Chansey, Rhydon, etc. and hurt them or catch them with an ultraball to make it easier so they can't run from you.

Change The Color Scheme
To change the color o the game, when you first turn the game on, and it says "Gameboy Color", press Select and B, or Select and A or down or up or up and down or up and B. There are different color combinations you can make. It doesn't cahnge what Pokémon are found in the game, though.

Extra Coins
In the Celedon gambling corner, ask various people at the machines, and some will give you money, and if that's not enough, scroll all around the whole floor pressing A at every tile, and you should stumble accross several coins. You can find 10, 20, even 100 coins.

The Invisible PC
In the hotel in Celedon City where the woman says its not a pokemon hotel, go to the far right where a PC would be and press A. You should be working an invisible PC.

Free Max Potion
To get a free max potion go to the 9th floor in the Silph Co. Building and stand in front of the lady that heals your Pokemon. Face the bed to your left and press A. There should be a max potion there.
(Note: You can only use this cheat once per Game.)

2 Ways To Get Mewtwo And Other Pokemon
One way to get mewtwo is defeat the game and then go on to the cave and catch him. The other way (you must have beaten the game first) go to the where giovanni is the gym leader and talk to the guy that asks if you want him to show you how to catch pokemon select yes and watch when he is done talking fly to cinnabar island and go the east coast and surf up along the coast keep going up and down and you will find after a while mewtwo and you can catch him. (Mewtwo will be around level 155) There will also be other pokemon like snorlax and all the rest in the version.

How To Duplicate Items
(You must have beaten the elite four and won the championship and have less than 100 of a item) choose a item that has a number to it like rare candy especially and have it as your sixth item on the item screen (you can move it by pressing select and then moving it to the sixth spot) now go to the guy in the city with giovanni's gym that asks you if you would like him to show you how to catch pokemon select yes and watch when he is done talking immediately fly away to cinnabar island and surf along the east or right side coast and surf up and down that side of the island keep surfing until a thing shows up that says Missing M or Missingo (you may run into pokemon but just run away from them) and fight him or run away but DO NOT catch him (it will mess up your data and saved game) and than after you fight him or run away look at your item screen and look at the sixth item and it will have a number and a picture next to it that means you have over 100 of those items.

Unlimited Items
You'll have to be almost completely done with the game to do this cheat, and make sure you hve a flying Pokemon with the technique FLY. Go to Viridian City and talk to the man that had his coffee and select the option [No]. Then he'll show you how to catch a Pokemon. After the review, FLY to Fushia City. Put the item you want to duplicate 6th on the ITEM menu (use the SELECT button). Use a water Pokemon with the SURF ability and swim on the right side shore of the island. Swim up and down the coast until you encounter a Missingno. or a Missing M (you will also encounter Pokemon levels 100-186 but will go back to level 100 after "gaining" a level). Defeat one and the sixth item in your inventory will have an image next to it, which means you have over 200 copies of that item. I prefer to copy Rare candies so that I can make my Pokemon to Level 100 without training but this ruins the fun of the game.

Many Cheats
This cheat will be easier if yo used the FLY to get to Cinnabar Island, and also teach a water pokemon SURF. Teach any bird FLY then get to Cinnabar Island. Then You must go back to Viridian city, talk to the man by the entrance of the Viridan City Gym. when ask you "are you in a hurry" answer "no". After he finishes Fly back to Cinnabar Island go to the eastern coast of the island (where you first surfed onto the island). Then use SURF to move between the land and the water. in case you do not get it your seal should look like he is on land but is not. move up and down for awhile pokemon start appearing (it may take a while). If pokemon start appearing then pause and select ITEMS, switch the item you want with the sixth item in the inventory. press SELECT and make sure that the white arrow is still showing, and also make sure that the sixth item has a number by. now exit out of the pause menu using the B button, surf up and down the now and search for a hidden by the name of Missingno. defeat it (do not catch it)! When ! you see how much gold and points you earned pause again and look at the sixth item, it will either have a symbol by the number or it will show how many you have. i would recommend using this code for things like gold nuggets or rare candy, even TM's. if you want the money go and sell all but one. you should have maximum money!

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